Just arrived at Felixstow Ferry


In this picture we are feeling pleased with ourselves having just landed after sailing non-stop from Paglesham.

Felixstow ferry is at the entrance to the River Deben in Sufolk. The tide runs fast through the narrow channel between shingle banks at the entrance, although not as fast as at the River Ore which is the next river entrance to the North. The shingle spit on the north side of the entrance extends half a mile or more offshore and winter gales shift it around each year. There are a couple of small gaps through this shingle spit which small craft can use to cut the corner in good weather.


The picture above shows the hamlet of Felixstow Ferry from the water. On the left is the sailing club, at the centre is the ferry slipway (a foot ferry only), on the right is the boatyard. Behind these buildings is an excellent cafe. Just upsteam is the shingle landing where we are standing in the top picture. Over on the opposite bank is Bawdsy Manor where early radar systems were first developed.