Local Contacts
Note - these telephone numbers are local services that may be of use to HSC members - they are not telephone numbers by which you can contact our club! If you would like to contact the HSC itself please CLICK HERE
Havengore bridge operator: 01702 383436 or 01702 383311. For further information on the Havengore route try this web page: CHA Havengore webpage or try: http://www.roachriver.org.uk/rsa/index.htm and click on their link to the Havengore route.
Potton swing bridge operator 01702 219491
Riverside Village Holiday Park (Nearest campsite to Paglesham) 01702 258297
Paglesham Boatyard 0843 259 5741
Crouch Harbour Authority 01621 783 602
Essex Marina 01702 258 531
Plough and Sail Public House (At Paglesham East End) 01702 258242
The Shepherd and Dog Public House (on the road from Stambridge to Paglesham) 01702 258 279
Punchbowl Public House (At Paglesham Church End) 01702 258376
The Anchor Public House (At High St. Canewdon) 08714 329005